March 6, 2017




Anyone who is involved with a not-for-profit organization is very aware that discretionary or un-tethered money is a valuable commodity. It is one of the most important commodities when you run across necessary expenses that “no-one will pay for”.

You also know that any time there is a change in the administration in Washington D. C. the sanctity of discretionary funds is one of the more popular topics of conversation at both the water cooler as well as Board of Director’s meetings

When discretionary funds run short, a popular method of replenishing them is fundraising. The type and extent of fundraising you choose will typically be driven by the amount needed. Fundraising efforts can range from a simple hoagie sale to hiring a professional fundraising service. Another factor may be available staff to perform the fundraiser. If the decision is made to raise the money using your own resources (staff), of course an organization with 150 employees has substantially more resources to use than an organization with only 15 employees.

If the decision is made to go to an outside source there are a host of options available. One being hiring a professional fundraiser. A professional fundraiser is, as the title says, is a professional. This means there will be a fee for their service. It may be a flat fee or it may be a percentage of what is raised. Either method is perfectly acceptable.

These services may include everything up to and including going door-to-door for your organization, telemarketing, or a direct mail campaign; or their service may be as simple as helping to get you organized and on your way.

Be aware that fundraising is bound by charitable solicitation laws in the majority of states and following these laws is the responsibility of the organization. So if the fundraiser cannot provide you with the proper documentation explaining the laws of your state, find a solicitor that will help you or a fundraiser that is well versed in the compliance you must follow for your state.

If you search for fundraising on-line you will see that there is no shortage of ideas and service providers. Should you need or desire outside assistance you will have no problem finding a solution to fit your needs.

Good luck in your fundraising efforts, whatever they may be.

Post by gmsactg